
Nov 07, 2009 17:46

Notes: These were written on 11/02/09, while listening to 기다리다 지친다 on repeat. Originally written as two parts of one fic that was to be continued.

Title: Untitled
Focus: Jay
Word Count: 92

They say that breathing makes it easier. (Breathe. Breathe. Breathe in, breathe out. Don't panic, it will all be okay.) But the waiting never gets easier. In a sense, Jay has been waiting his whole life - waiting to grow up and be able to support his mother; waiting to debut; waiting to make it big; waiting for people to realise that he isn't bratty, cocky Jay Park anymore; and now, waiting waiting waiting waiting to return to Korea, to 2PM, to his brothers, to the life he's finally learned to live.

Title: Untitled
Focus: Jay/2PM
Word Count: 130

It wasn't as though he'd thought it would (or could) last forever, but that he hadn't thought it would end like this. It should have ended with the seven of them, heads held high, proud of everything they'd achieved, saying one last goodbye. It should have ended with seven as one.

And instead, seven is seven; Jay locks himself in his room and won't open the door, Taek curses and rages but falls silent after punching a hole in the wall (nobody is sure whether they prefer his silence or his yelling), Wooyoung refuses to eat, Chansung does nothing but eat, Khun keeps up a constant monologue of everything going through his mind, Junsu blocks everyone out with his music, and Junho methodically breaks all the pencils he can find.

character: jaebum, focus: 2pm

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