I found an adorable!!, affordable!! 1 bedroom apartment... on 5th and Olive, which is two blocks closer to downtown than where I am now... Newly remodeled, all amenities paid. Skylar ok. Yard. Available Jan 1st. Should I pay Double rent? Fuck.
Sometimes things are weird. A girl who works here (who looks a lot like me) just came into my office and told me she has been dating Chris. It is so weird to have someone working in the same building as me who is dating the ex. I feel as if I am being watched in a complicated way. It's not a good feeling.
Went to LA for 4 days. Went to Santa Cruz for 1 day. Drove 1200 miles in 5 days. Ate too many mashed potatos. Bought some records. Quentin Tarantino and I ate at the same diner and made eye contact.
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Friday- Kennedy and Bryn visit. Shut the fuck up and White Russians. Brian Kelly played with The Deer... good times. Stormy's = drunk. Drunk = falling down on the cement after being at Duffy's
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