FIC: Three with BB, Myuboys, NC17

Jul 31, 2010 16:47

Title: Three with BB
Author: Ociwen
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 9400
Disclaimer: Konomi owns all, for the most part.
WARNING: Offensive, rude, racist and homophobic-not for PC pussies to read! Basically, no one should read this.
Summary: Baba eats a magical muffin, and loses his mojo. Tough times.
Author's Notes: Does Baba ever learn to think of ( Read more... )


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Comments 18

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reposoir July 31 2010, 21:31:38 UTC
I like your sense of humour! ;D


wednesdayschild July 31 2010, 21:51:29 UTC
I suspect I missed about 90% of the jokes, and still only know about 50% of the myuboys, but it was still funny.

Cold cement is cold
Life draining down the toilet
Dog pissed on my boot

Poor Baba, his life is hard :P


reposoir July 31 2010, 21:59:18 UTC
Eheh, there's only one or two other people who would get all the jokes, but a laugh is still a laugh! :3

The haiku stuff I completely didn't make up! Besides the actual haiku. Baba went through a phase a couple years ago where he wrote these awful haikus on his blog. The best was (and I remember it word for word)

at the station
Baba was

rofls ;D


wednesdayschild August 1 2010, 10:58:03 UTC
Omg, that haiku is a thing of beauty. *wipes away single tear drop*


llamachan July 31 2010, 22:37:19 UTC
HAHAAH. That was awesome! :D


reposoir August 1 2010, 01:12:22 UTC
Just like bb!

(Thanks! ;)


mayezinha August 1 2010, 00:17:34 UTC
Deep thoughts and tomodachiness!

And some of us don't mind about innapropiateness. :P <--how was that spelled anyway?

I love the fact that when in trouble the clue is "think like Yuta"! XDDD
Seems that the magic word for Kentaro to join anything is "drinks". And still noboy respects him. >>;;

OMG, Okki is so cute with his green Gundam.
and well, your Massu has his own minions. XDD

Poor Ouji. That's why he got slim again. no more muffins and pudding. xDD

Poor BB, losing to Hiromi seems like the end of the world. Damn Hexagon All stars.
Career in a slump hasn't been so dramatic, but somehow BB got his mojo back. xDD

Phantom Hijiri... ;____; WE really miss you, you know.

This shouldn't be complete without any Okki/cowboy line dancing reference.

I'm amused by Luke's drink of choice.

So Masa as a weird guy attracts more weird guys?

They say that what you want the less is what you got. This applies to Baba and Kentaro.

Forgot to add, Definitely amusing, thanks for sharing this one!


reposoir August 1 2010, 12:18:30 UTC
Kentarou kinda brings the lack of respect on himself. lolers. Poor guy. He's hot and manbeautiful, but such a flake &hearts

(What's a Hexagon Allstar?)

Masa is definitely weird! *giggle*

Eheh--thanks, Maye! >;D


Baba is NOT Korean!!!!!!!! (okay, maybe he is) kindyglitz August 1 2010, 11:24:25 UTC
okay okay so pretty much all of this was fucking gold BUT

I am biased I admit


omfg omfg omfg

it's beautiful and perfect and Taiske is lurking around and having hot make out times, stroking KinTakuya's bling and he just never knew. Poor bb being stuck around the gays :DDDD

oh wait there was another bit that killed me


so perfect *sheds a tear*

and of course nothing is complete with a haiku from BB.

Kouhei, I hope you found yourself in Bali! And maybe you should get a shot or two before you leave!!!!

Kentarou and his awesome sisters. Of course bb, he WOULD be reaffirmed in life by being sandwiched between their chests.

*weeps from the awesomeness*

(oh and A+ on the Taito pats. What a douche)


Fucking Taito reposoir August 1 2010, 12:23:15 UTC
You should be biased! You sick freak who enjoys INAPPROPRIATE HUMOUR!!

I accidentally left out the bit about KinTakuya having the biggest dick of all (oops), but I'd been waiting EIGHT MONTHS to write that stuff!

Fufu and Takui practically wrote itself. I was thinking to myself, hm, now what would make Masa feel the most betrayed? obvs Fufu dueting with his IDOL!

Turns out that Kentarou was good for something after all, if only for having hot sisters with awesome racks!

bb is awesome
kouhei can send him haikus
brotherly rabu


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