Drabble-age (Frillbutt Panties, 1036 words, Kirihara + Yukimura)

Jun 13, 2008 15:47

Title: Frillbutt Panties
Author: Ociwen
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1036
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created by Konomi Takeshi. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Kirihara and frillbutt panties are gross, Pixxers. Tarundoru.
Author's Notes: Drabble-age for pixxers.

He's thirteen and thongs are funny... )

crack, drabble, tenipuri

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Comments 11

mayezinha June 13 2008, 20:03:36 UTC

This was awesome.
I don't mind much how Akaya suffers because of his sister, but Yukimura being a normal teenager is a golden moment. <3

Or this present for Pix:
or that if he keeps looking at Niou's dick in the showers to see if it's bigger than his, the other guys on the team will think he's being gay.

See? She knows how to ask for things. XD

You made my afternoon, Allison! <3


reposoir June 14 2008, 15:09:19 UTC
Akaya only THINKS he suffers. Teenagers are so hard done by...;P

Pix didn't ask for NiouKiri, just gross panties.

But thanks Maye! ^-^v


pixxers June 13 2008, 20:06:42 UTC
AHAHAHAHAHA. That was perfect. All that I dreamed and more.

Needs more support. *snickers* And you drabbled! Less than 3k! ♥


reposoir June 14 2008, 15:10:32 UTC
Yukimura is a growing boy, Pix. If his dick dangles during a match, that's no good...;)

(Thank you! And I'm glad you liked :)


bloodstaindnght June 13 2008, 20:41:42 UTC
Aww, Kirihara is learning! Thongs are awesome. Especially when compared to frillbutt. Hey. . .that's a great nickname for my cat. "Come here, frillbutt!!"


reposoir June 14 2008, 15:10:59 UTC
Your poor, frillbutt cat....;)

Eheh. Thanks!


kiriana June 13 2008, 20:41:46 UTC
You! *gigglefit* You have no idea how hard it was to read this at work and NOT break out laughing from glee. .... I may have made an Itsuki-like snort. Good thing my office-mate can't see what I'm looking at.

That was brilliant. *__*


anonymous June 13 2008, 22:08:58 UTC
Oh goodness I should not have read this at work. Yukimura!Abuse is a fun and new thing from you....I approve ;-D

Oh Akaya! *squishes* No one writes him like you do!


reposoir June 14 2008, 15:11:36 UTC

The Yukimura!abuse just...seems to be happening. I'm glad you enjoy it!

And, thank you!


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