Drabble-age (1883 words, Extracurricular, Kenya + Shitenhoji Gen, G)

Mar 17, 2008 17:49

Title: Extracurricular
Author: Ociwen
Rating: G
Pairing(s): Shitenhoji Gen
Wordcount: 1883
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created by Konomi Takeshi. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: In which Shitenhoji don't do much and wanders around Osaka.
Author's notes: Sort ( Read more... )

shitenhoji, drabble, tenipuri

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Comments 15

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reposoir March 17 2008, 23:12:36 UTC
Thank you so much!

Gaijin-spotting is fun, ne? ;D


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reposoir March 17 2008, 23:14:23 UTC
Yes, yes it was that same ryokan. All bits of Osaka are real, including the hanging fish things and the McDonald's in between Namba and Nippombashi ;D ;D ;D

Thank you so much, N! It's nice to play around with Shitfic sometimes...nfu.

(Zaizen has an ameblog. With a lame username, no doubt ;)


sparkly_cherry March 17 2008, 23:41:30 UTC
Utter love ♥ I giggled muchly XD *bookmarks* :D


reposoir March 17 2008, 23:43:00 UTC
Aw, thanks! ^-^


sparkly_cherry March 17 2008, 23:57:25 UTC
Welcome! :D <3


aoiyuzu March 18 2008, 01:04:13 UTC
Aw so cute! I love your Shitenhoji characterizations. Kin-chan being a complete airhead always makes me laugh. XD Shitenhoji just has this very nonchalant/ laid-back air to it and it was definitely captured in this short. <3

The descriptions of okonomiyaki makes my mouth water. *g* *is hungry now*

Gaijin spotting. Ahahah I love doing that in Taiwan, even if I'm also technically a 'gaijin' there too. xD;


reposoir March 18 2008, 01:17:46 UTC
Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki is better, but don't tell Kenya or Yuushi that...

Thanks, B &hearts


pixxers March 18 2008, 01:33:26 UTC
And then Kenya took Zaizen home and taught him how to suck cock like a champ. The End. ♥

:D Shitenhouji and Higa make for such great gen. And Chitose is hot. Yay for more drabblage today; you should be sleep deprived more often.


reposoir March 18 2008, 16:00:49 UTC
Your icon! (Was so hoping you'd use it! ;)

Yes, Kenya would. And his chameleon would watch them the whole while and creep Zaizen out.

Sleep deprivation may cause drabbles, but not RF. Eheh.

(Thanks, Pix! &hearts )


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