Drabble-age (592 words, Little Yukimura + Sanada)

Sep 13, 2007 20:06

Title: Untitled
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: 592
Rating: PG?
Disclaimer: Konomi owns all.
Summary: Little Yukimura. And tennis. And the pitfalls of having younger siblings born.
Author's Notes: Written for yuki_scorpio's request for little Yukimura.

'Can it do anything?' )

drabble, sanayuki, tenipuri

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Comments 12

animegoil September 14 2007, 00:25:29 UTC
Lol, so cute and full of little kid details-- the booger and useless babies and wrestling a stork. Yukimura's such a tennis-driven brat *laugh*


reposoir September 14 2007, 01:58:44 UTC
I wouldn't say he's a brat, so much as disappointed in learning that babies suck. And then puke all over you. ;P



mayezinha September 14 2007, 02:32:55 UTC
When I saw that hours ago I was amazed at the possibilities of Little Yukimura.
Loved the kid's POV. Since I'm the youngest, I don't know about being an older sister.
And we have Sanada. He makes all fluttery indeed, even with the snot. XD
Also I felt really old when 7 year old Seiichi talked about being like Agassi ^^;;


reposoir September 14 2007, 12:30:55 UTC
(I guessed about Agassi and Yukimura being 7 when he was playing. The time frame seemed about right in my head...)

Even though it was supposed to be about ickle Yuki-kins, Sanada popped up. First meeting, aw...

Heh. Oh the tales I have about being the oldest child. I imagine that poor Yagyuu gets to babysit his sister and used to be puked and peed on her when she was small. Same with Yukimura's sister. Poor kids...;)

Thanks, Maye!!


vintersaga September 14 2007, 04:49:57 UTC
I can so see little Yukimura's disappointed expression! *laughs*

Yukimura was a bit skeptical about the whole "storks drop the new babies off" story his father told him. More like his mother wrestled a stork to the ground and wrenched the baby away from it, judging by her frazzled state and bloodshot eyes. <3 XDDDDDD


reposoir September 14 2007, 12:36:03 UTC
He's too young and immature to understand the Truth About Babies and What Mom and Dad Do In Bed That Isn't Wrestling.

;) ;)

Thanks so much! (Yukimura totally wanted a brother. Who could swing a racket from day one. Poor boo...;)


celen September 14 2007, 12:38:53 UTC
Awh, this was so adorable. Poor Seiichi - it's hard to be seven, especially when babies are no use. XD; And the meeting of him and Sanada was just so, I don't know, familiar and cute and I loved Yukimura's outburts and aww.

Thank you, Allison. Lovely little!Yukimura drabble.


reposoir September 14 2007, 17:42:20 UTC
Thanks, Celen! Pez' post inspired me to drabble, and I figured I'd share it here too. :D


tokyolights September 14 2007, 16:20:05 UTC
"Can it do anything?" he asked.

So cute and hilarious ♥ Babies/Sisters aren't useful for little!Yukimura at all ;)


reposoir September 14 2007, 17:43:03 UTC
Baby siblings in general are pretty useless. Maybe when his sister is three, she can be the ballgirl for Yukimura. Poor boo.

Thanks, Leonie!


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