"I have a huge crush on you" LJ comment spam

Nov 10, 2012 16:47

A new trend in spamming has many LiveJournal members seeing this comment to their old posts left by strange LJ accounts that have no entries:

Hey This is hard for me because I have never done anything like this.. but I have a huge crush on you. I have never been able to tell you for reasons which you would quickly identify as obvious if you knew who this was. I'm really attracted to you and I think you would be wanting to get with *Read FULL Card Here* [URL redacted]

Here are known spambot accounts that have left the same exact comment on LJ:[Long list (click to open)]
  1. aranvanti
  2. beiconliti
  3. blindomlipi
  4. cremykpoi46
  5. dalribepal
  6. erfordibbtang
  7. exmitsu20
  8. faumtfema
  9. liafofoumer
  10. mulligar13
  11. nonsmerwhi84
  12. onsidi94
  13. p43tavku
  14. pavelpw127
  15. plemalhaynor
  16. proflupor25
  17. pvlad8411
  18. rawtoxee
  19. reobareab14
  20. rohareveg
  21. rotcabinet
  22. rourelant54
  23. sausinquikneep
  24. scalecspinid
  25. serdonova
  26. taidefla
  27. terlocandba
  28. tighlsetymra
  29. tromorver80
  30. umrabmoidrag
  31. volltoverka
  32. websrocon83
Please feel free to comment and let me know of similar "huge crush" accounts so that I may add them to this list. Please help us ban and report these accounts! Several have already been suspended through your efforts!

Screencap of Huge Crush comment spam

spam, fake accounts

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