A Booty Call in Vegas, Part II

Jun 23, 2012 01:24

"Let's go to Vegas," Shelley said.

"Sounds good to me," I said. "I've got a booty call in Vegas."

...OR DO I? )

gay stuff, dating

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Comments 5

autumn_belias June 23 2012, 07:33:16 UTC
your life is kind of like a movie


replicant_rasa June 24 2012, 01:24:39 UTC
I only blog the interesting parts. :P

In a movie, this entire past year would have been condensed into a two-minute "hard work montage." Hence why I wasn't posting much, because there wasn't much to say.


autumn_belias June 24 2012, 08:47:22 UTC
I know how that goes.


ww0308 July 2 2012, 05:21:02 UTC
Well put.

Also, your blog is _gold_.


(The comment has been removed)

replicant_rasa June 27 2012, 21:59:32 UTC
Probably because it looked all but identical to the previous post.

I admit, we are pretty damn rom-com.


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