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Comments 13

autumn_belias January 27 2012, 13:47:17 UTC
*shudders at the piercing*

when my mom had her breast removed (cancer, hemi-mastectomy), she had trouble with the lifting not because of the removed breast itself, but because of the lymph nodes they'd taken out, you might be overestimating the time you'll need.

for the scars I can recommend baby oil once the wounds have closed up properly and you're not running risk of smear-infection anymore. it'll help keep the tissue smooth and not pucker up so much, also I've found that scars whiten out faster when the stuff is applied.


replicant_rasa January 28 2012, 06:07:49 UTC
The piercing is fun! Makes it easier to drive down there.

And yeah, I'm probably over-estimating the time I need to be careful of lifting, but that's intentional -- pulling open half-healed scar tissue is one of the primary factors that makes scarring worse, and I am TOO VAIN for ugly scars. (If they don't heal up right, I'll get tattoos over my torso and shoulder to distract from them. :D)

There are a number of silicon-based products that reduce scarring, but it seems like the best thing you can do for it is just be healthy. Clean living helps you heal up faster.


februaryfour January 27 2012, 16:03:06 UTC
Also I got my junk pierced and shagged a 22-year-old art student. Unrelated, but in that order.

XDDDDDDDD ♥ Never change (your personality). XDDDDDDDDDD

Good luck, and thank god your boss is awesome. Yes, waiting until the assistant mgr is back from paternity will be helpful and awesome, and wow you're actually taking the plunge--GOOD LUCK.


replicant_rasa January 28 2012, 06:25:37 UTC
♥ Never change (your personality)

I doubt I could even if I wanted to. :P

Awesome isn't the word I would use for my boss (for one, he never said so outright, but he made me wonder whether he'd have sacked me if corporate policy hadn't backed me up). He has handled the trannie thing well though, by making zero fuss about it and -- to my knowledge -- not telling anyone else. In fact, he even asked for my permission to disclose the exact nature of my surgery to HR before he called them asking about sick leave.

He's gay, for whatever that's worth. And while plenty of gay men are fail on trans issues, it does make them more likely than straight men to deal with it well.


februaryfour January 28 2012, 06:34:12 UTC
Well, okay, I give him props for empathy and understanding anyway.


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replicant_rasa January 28 2012, 05:56:48 UTC
Oh aye. In fact the surgeon's office requires that you bring someone with you, both for emotional support and for helping you get around. And even if they didn't, it's been understood for a long time that Shelley's going to go with me. (Purchasing plane tickets for the two of us tomorrow~!)


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replicant_rasa January 28 2012, 06:12:32 UTC
lol, well there are many pictures on that site I linked, if you're curious enough. As for losing sensation, post-op FTMs have reported all kinds of weirdness, but odds are high that I'll lose all sensation in my nipples, possibly permanently. Which, since they're not an especially erogenous zone for me, isn't as much of a loss as it might be to other people. (One guy said that post-op, the erogenous sensation of one of his nipples had migrated about six inches left, so he now had an erogenous zone under his armpit.)


ontogenesis January 28 2012, 07:47:02 UTC
Oh man, good luck with that. Best wishes. You're already hot, and now you can get closer to the hot ideal in your mind.


replicant_rasa January 28 2012, 08:01:22 UTC
y thank you. :D

But I am a lot happier with my body these days -- partly due to actual, physical changes (at long last, all those push-ups are paying off), where my hips are slimming and my shoulders are broadening and I've achieved man-shape, and partly due to having had a boyfriend for a while, which helped me finally get over most of my body insecurity issues. That would be the aforementioned dude-who-dumped-me, but it was awesome while it lasted -- there is nothing better for the self-esteem than someone smoking hot who thinks you're smoking hot too.


azhchay January 31 2012, 00:38:15 UTC
So glad to see the update and how things are going! I have to admit, I wish you and Shelley could road trip up to Atlanta, because seriously I MISS BOTH OF YOU!!!!

Congrats on moving forward. And honestly, I'm still in the "what do I want to do now?" phase. I don't think anyone ever grows out of it. Ever.


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