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Comments 26

kikucutie June 22 2009, 08:36:17 UTC
"For serious" is right! And, God, I love that nervousness that accompanies these things. That's when I know the outlook is good!


reppu June 22 2009, 09:12:18 UTC
I am unashamed when I say I live vicariously through other people's relationships. An unfortunate mix of bad past experiences and a lack of BALLS always stops me before I start, but I figure all of this info will be helpful one day. So rather than vicariousness, how about "appropriate research?"

It is nice that you've found someone you're sweet on. It's a warm feeling, when it happens. I know absolutely nothing about the gay side of Japan, because my only gay friend here is always lamenting that only foreigners come out to the gay nights at bars. Then again, I do live in Nagoya, not the totally trendy Tokyo. Another learning experience! I live in a place where my teachers still tell me that there are no gay Japanese people, go figure. >__>

Well, more like I disapprove of public displays of heterosexualityCan you expand on this? I think I know what you mean, but it doesn't hurt to be sure ( ... )


replicant_rasa June 22 2009, 10:06:50 UTC
Mm, I'm usually ballsy to a certain point, but then chicken out on anything past kissing. Not because I don't want to fuck, but because when I'm flirting with gay guys, I'm not sure whether my equipment is going to be a deal-killer. This time I'm buoyed by his bisexuality (in fact, I don't even know which is his preferred sex), because I can be reasonably confident that whatever is in my pants, he is cool with it in at least some circumstances.

Disapproving of public displays of heterosexuality is an aesthetic matter. I find it generally tacky, kissing, hand resting on the girl's knee as they sit, hands in each other's back pockets, etc. Even stuff like holding hands, I'm like, Are you afraid he's going to run off if you're not holding onto him? I prefer some degree of decorum, or barring that, covert, desperate eye-sexxing in public until you can haul your lover into a dark alley and then crawl into their clothes. That? That is hot. I'm more lenient on gay PDA simply because it's much less common, so I'm like Aww, that's cute! But I ( ... )


reppu June 22 2009, 10:43:46 UTC
I'm too analytical to date. Within your first three sentences, I've already run scenarios to see if we would work out or not. By the time they get to the "Hey, you're cute," their chances of having passed the first round are less than 30%. By the end of the night, less than 10%. One day, I will stop being a prick. This is why I am impressed by your ballsy-ness, even if it doesn't lead past a certain point. I can't even get that far. >__> And yay for finding someone that fits. Transitioning is never easy, and finding someone who is okay with that really takes a load off, doesn't it ( ... )


februaryfour June 22 2009, 11:32:41 UTC


numinicious June 22 2009, 10:45:48 UTC
I adore you so, so much. I am so happy for you! :D

BTW to everyone else reading this, I can totally attest to the fact that Yuuto 1) was super cute, and 2) had fabulous hair.


februaryfour June 22 2009, 11:31:51 UTC

We need to go on a double-date!


replicant_rasa June 22 2009, 12:00:06 UTC
Hee. A bit premature at the moment, but with luck, it won't stay that way!


februaryfour June 22 2009, 12:00:58 UTC
♥ Crossing fingers and toes for you. Anyway, you joining us tomorrow or do you have work? Also, Sunday?


replicant_rasa June 22 2009, 12:12:47 UTC
I got work tomorrow and Sunday. =/

...buuuut possibly not for too much longer! XD


autumn_belias June 22 2009, 15:39:15 UTC
of course, I only get to hear about the roaches *chuckle*

Yuuto sounds like a great guy :)


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