Fanfic - Mimi/Maureen - 081 How

Feb 19, 2006 12:19

Title: A Christening
Characters: Mimi/Maureen
Prompt: 081 How
Word Count (if fiction): 979
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Maureen comes up with a plan to christen their new house.
Author's Notes: I own no one, thanks for reading and reveiws would be cool too.

Mimi grinned and cuddled close to Maureen. “We did it baby, we all did it, and we are now the owners of our very own house!” Mimi beamned.

Maureen smiled and kissed Mimi, as she continued to hold her on the couch. “We did, although sometimes I still think I’m dreaming,” she said.

“Me too sometimes, but we’re not, it’s real, this house is really ours,” she said.

Maureen grinned and pulled Mimi to her feet. “Come on, we’re going to christen the new house,” she grinned tugging Mimi after her.

“We are?” Mimi asked grinning.

“We are!” Maureen stated happily.

“And how do you plan on doing this?,” Mimi said raising an eyebrow.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Maureen grinned.

“Well now I’m very intrigued, you look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth, I’ve never seen you smile so brightly before."

Maureen leaned in and kissed Mimi, sucking on her bottom lip for a minute. “That’s because I’ve never been this happy, now come on, we’re starting with the kitchen,” Maureen said as she broke the kiss and dragged Mimi off.

Reaching the kitchen, Maureen pulled a quarter out of her jeans pocket and flipped it. “Call it!” she commanded.

“Heads!” Mimi said getting excited and not knowing why. Something about Maureen was contagious. “Baby wait, how is this going to christen the house?” Mimi asked confused.

“Orgasms,” Maureen grinned brightly.


“You heard me.”

“Yes I heard you, but I don’t know what the hell you are talking about.”

“Just shut up and trust me,” Maureen said pulling Mimi close to her and kissing her hard. “I’m going to make you come, all over this house,” Maureen said. “And you are going to repay the favor.”

“This is going to take all day and we might get really tired,” Mimi reasoned.

“Yes it’s going to take all day and who cares, it’s our house, we can do what we want and all I want to do is make love to you in every room, and this is about the only way I know how to do it, besides, we get to be creative!” Maureen pointed out.


“Yes creative, you’ve called it, heads or tails and so now we look to see what it is,” Maureen said and Mimi clamped her hands over Maureen’s.

“If we use a coin one of us could get really gypped,” Mimi said.

“Oh relax it’ll be fine,” Maureen said and then she silenced Mimi with another kiss, this time sucking on her tongue. She broke the kiss and Mimi moaned in disappointment and also in passion. “Tails it is, I win,” Maureen grinned.

Pushing Mimi down to the floor she kissed her hard and long. She let her tongue dart in and out of Mimi’s mouth and sucked on her bottom lip every now and again. Then she flipped her on her back, still staying attached and straddled her carefully, still engaged in the kiss. Finally breaking the kiss, Mimi gazed up at Maureen and smiled.

“I’m going to need energy for this,” Mimi stated.

“Well we’re in the kitchen, what do you want?”

“I don’t know what can give me energy?” Mimi asked.

Maureen leaned down, kissed her cheek, sat up and opened the door to the refrigerator, still sitting on her girlfriend. “Let’s see, milk, cheese, bread, water, apples, and ooooh, whipped cream,” she said excitedly. She grabbed the container and shook it up and Mimi looked at her seriously.

“Don’t you dare, that’s cold!” Mimi said struggling a bit.

“It’s tails, I win, that means, I get to choose.”

“You get to choose how you get me off!” Mimi said angrily.

Maureen shook her head popped off the cap and brought the tip of the can to Mimi’s mouth. “Open,” she said gently rubbing it on Mimi’s bottom lip. Mimi kept her mouth shut and struggled a bit. Maureen was smiling and she could tell Mimi was enjoying this, no matter how much she protested. “Come on, open up, and I’ll be really gentle,” Maureen said kindly. Mimi sighed and opened her mouth. She was really curious as to what Maureen was going to do.

Maureen sprayed the whipped cream into Mimi’s mouth, and gently pushed her hand to Mimi’s throat to stop her from swallowing. Then she leaned down, kissed Mimi, removed her hand from Mimi’s neck, and the two shared a creamy kiss. “Mmmm, you taste good,” Maureen said finally, once the kiss was broken. Maureen sat back on her heals and the two women, stripped each other of their clothing. All that was left, were two women, lying naked, on the kitchen floor, with Maureen holding a can of whipped cream. Maureen let her hands roam down to Mimi’s crotch. She carefully spread Mimi open, put the tip of the can to Mimi and sprayed her full of whipped cream, causing Mimi to shriek out in surprise. “Ooooh, baby, I’m sorry, is it cold?” she said in a mock tone of concern.

“You know very well that it’s freezing!” Mimi complained.

“Don’t worry baby, I’ll fix it,” Maureen said sweetly and with that she leaned down and ate the whipped cream out of her lover, bringing Mimi to orgasm in the process.

When Mimi had returned to planet Earth, Maureen was cuddled up close to her and the two were resting comfortably. “Pick another room baby, we’ve got a whole house to christen,” Maureen said.

“How?” Mimi panted.

“Were you not baby attention?” Maureen asked her.

“No, I mean, how did I get so lucky. How in the world, did I end up with you? I love you, you make me the happiest woman on the planet,” Mimi said. Maureen’s eyes welled up with tears and Mimi grabbed her face and kissed her. “Come love, more rooms left,” Mimi said smiling brightly.

fanfic: maureen/mimi

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