Fanfic - Mimi/Maureen - 058 Dinner

Feb 11, 2006 19:26

Title: Chicken Braid
Characters: Mimi, Roger, Maureen, Kristen, and mentions of Joanne
Prompt: 058 Dinner
Word Count (if fiction): 815
Rating: G
Summary: Mimi teaches Kristen to cook
Author's Notes: Thank you to everyone who has helped me and reads this. Also, this is a real recipe and I highly recommend it. It tastes really good. I tried to explain it as best I could in the story. If you have any questions about trying it, or don't understand what I wrote, ask me here or contact someone you know who works for Pampered Chef, because that's where I got the recipe from.

Maureen sighed and kissed Kristen’s cheek. “You will be a very good girl for Uncle Roger and Aunt Mimi right?” she asked. Kristen nodded and hugged Maureen tightly. Maureen went to pull back but Kristen stayed attached. “It’s okay baby, Mama will be back in a little while, right after dinner,” Maureen told her. Kristen nodded a bit and reluctantly let go. “It’s okay sweetie.” “When’s Mommy coming home?” Maureen smiled. “Mommy will be home tomorrow sweetheart, I promise,” Maureen told her. “Come on mija, you stick with Aunt Mimi,” Mimi smiled at her. Kristen nodded and took Mimi’s hand once she hugged Maureen goodbye one more time.

Mimi and Roger kept Kristen entertained for most of the day and dinner was approaching quickly. Kristen looked antsy, she missed Maureen and Joanne. “What’s wrong baby?” Mimi asked kindly. “I miss Mama,” she said quietly. “Maybe Aunt Mimi can fix that, why don’t we make dinner together?” she suggested. “You’re going to cook?” Roger asked skeptically. “You’re fresh,” Mimi scolded him. “Vamenos Mija, we’ll cook,” Mimi smiled at Kristen. The small child thought it over and decided that she would go with her. Mimi pulled out the things she needed and smiled at Kristen. “Maybe we can get Uncle Roger to help us, what do you think?” she asked. “No, he can’t cook, he can just sing really well,” Kristen said seriously. “Why do you think he can’t cook?” Mimi asked. “You said it. You told Mama, there was no buns in the oven, and that it must be Uncle Roger’s fault,” she stated and Mimi just smiled, although she wanted to laugh hysterically. “I did say that didn’t I? Well that’s a different kind of cooking, we’re not cooking buns, we’re making chicken braid tonight,” Mimi explained. “Like Mommy braids my hair?” she asked happily. “Not quite baby, why don’t we get Uncle Roger to help us and we can all cook it together. It will taste better that way,” Mimi smiled. She agreed and soon Roger joined them in the kitchen.

Mimi pulled out the chicken that she had cooked earlier. It was very hot and she didn’t want Kristen to burn herself. “Stay by Uncle Roger mija, I don’t want you to get burned and when I’m done cutting the chicken, you can chop it all up, okay?” Roger picked Kristen up and kissed her cheek. Mimi sliced up the chicken and pulled out the chopper from Pampered Chef. “What’s that?” “That’s Aunt Mimi’s new toy,” Roger teased. “Shush, it’s fun,” Mimi laughed. “Okay mija, come back over here and you can help me mash it all up okay?” Kristen nodded and Mimi showed her how to bang on the top of the chopper. They chopped up all the chicken, followed by broccoli and red peppers. Mimi put everything in a bowl and told Kristen she could add in the mayonnaise. “How much?” Roger asked. “Eyeball it,” Mimi told him. “What’s that mean?” “It means, we spoon it in, until Aunt Mimi says stop,” Roger smiled and he helped Kristen spoon it into the bowl.

After a few scoops, Mimi stopped them, mixed it up and told them to add some more. They put in a few more spoonfuls and Mimi stopped them again. She stirred it all up and then told Kristen she could add in the cheese. Mimi mixed that all in and then pulled out two containers of Pilsbury crescent rolls. She didn’t detach them from each other. She laid them out in a big rectangle and pinched the edges together, so it made a flat sheet. Then she dumped the chicken mixture into the middle and pulled the sides up so they met. Then she pinched the edges together of that until she had what looked like a stromboli in front of her. Then she baked it for fifteen to twenty minutes and while it was baking Roger and Mimi taught Kristen a new song to sing for Maureen when she came to pick her up. When it was done, Mimi turned off the over, pulled it out and let it cool a bit, before cutting up four slices, since she saw Maureen pull in the driveway outside the window.

“Aunt Mimi, it’s too many,” Kristen said. “What is baby?” “Dinner, there’s you, Uncle Roger, and me,” she said using her fingers. “That’s just three, and you cut…one, two, three, four,” Kristen said. “You’re right mija, but,” she said picking up the little girl. “Who’s car is that?” she said pointing out the window. “Huh!?! Mama!” Kristen squealed happily. Mimi laughed and turned in time to see Maureen walk through the door. “Mama Mama!” Kristen cried happily running to Maureen. “Hi baby!” Maureen grinned hugging her tightly. “Aunt Mimi made us dinner!” Kristen grinned. “She did?” “And I helped too!” “Really what did you make?” “We made chicken braid.”

fanfic: maureen/mimi

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