Holiday Cards 2007

Nov 11, 2007 23:00

Yuppers, it's that time of year again. Tis the season for Holiday Cards!

Everyone else is doing it, so I figured I should probably get my Holiday Cards Post set up sooner rather than later, especially since Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away and chances are school will eat me alive for those two weeks (raise your hand if Fall Semester 2007 just needs to *end* already). So, if you all are interested in receiving a holiday card from yours truly ::curtsies::, leave you snail mail address in the screened comments below, or email it to me at if you prefer going that way.

Leave your address if you're at all interested, even if you gave it to me last year cause I probably lost them. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has moved to a new residence in the last twelve months, so updated snail mail addys are always useful. :)

Happy Holidays, everyone!

holiday cards, holiday

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