(no subject)

Mar 04, 2005 23:20

Grampa is home and doing well. This is a very very good thing.

Am hopefully meeting with a friend from high school tomorrow - who I haven't seen for at least two years, my best guess - in order to go "tubing", whatever the hell that means. I think it has something to do with a hot tub, though.

Mom is sick with the flu. Oh joy. Not sure if its the Evil Flu Virus of DOOM! that dad and I went through a few weeks ago, but at least if it is we both have immunity and can therefor take care of her all nice like she took care of us when we were sick. Hopefully her case won't be as severe as ours was, keeping dad abed for like a week (though that might be because he's kinda a wuss when it comes to being sick. Or, at least *I* think he is since he tends to lie in bed all day when he has the smallest amount of abdominal cramping or a little cold, where as mom and I both deal with the cramp thing on a monthly basis and neither of us let it stop us from doing what needs to be done. The same goes for colds; if we have the opportunity to lie around in bed, we do, but if there's work or school, give us a pocket full of tissues and a bottle of water and send us on our way) and me in bed for 3 very miserable days.

Have a private swim lesson on Sunday. Must. Not. FORGET!

Wow am I tired. I don't care if it's only 11:30 on a Friday night, I'm going to bed.

swim lessons, dana, uriah, grandparents, family

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