Just one of those days

Jul 30, 2003 17:11

It has not been a happy day for Maren ( Read more... )

driving, swim lessons, lifeguarding, emo, icky, bad day, day summary

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Comments 5

icepixie July 30 2003, 15:47:39 UTC
Awww... {{{{{Maren}}}}} The drivers test in your area sounds cruel and unusual. Dude, you should come down to TN and get your license. Easiest test in the world--I drove around a residential block, made a left turn at a traffic light, and parked. There was no mention of mirrors or blind spots or anything. Of course, that may be why we have so many crappy drivers in TN... ;)

I hope your stomach feels better. Can't wait to see you at Con! *hugs*


rensong July 30 2003, 16:59:42 UTC
Yeah, Wisconsin is pretty picky about driving... and I guess that's a good thing, since we do have pretty decent drivers up here. Still frusterating, though... I'm a pretty decent driver when not under pressure, checking my mirrors on a regular basis and always looking both ways before doing any kind of turn or stop or whatever... But, not so much when I'm critiqued on every thing I frelling do. Oy... ::sighs::
But, again i say YAY for getting the nice tester this time!

As for the tummy thing, still not all that happy but not near as bad as it was earlier.
Can't wait to see you either! {{{{hugs}}}}


cogenthought July 30 2003, 16:14:59 UTC
Sorry about the test, sweetie. If it makes you feel any better, I failed mine twice before I got it. The second time wasn't even a full test. I got some bastard guy who distracted me the whole time with his heavy breathing. He made me do parallel parking, and when I was finished with that (a foot away from the curb, heh) he snorted, and said to me, "Face it, miss, you're probably never going to get your licence at this rate."

Well, in his face, because I passed the third time. I went to a different DMV. I don't know how it works where you live. Do you test out in the street, or at the DMV? Here in NJ, you drive to the DMV, and they have several lanes of courses, and the testing agent directs you to one of them, where there are cones set up for parallel parking and such. So annoying.

It kind of sucks that way. That's not real life experience! Stupid Jersey driving laws.

I'm sure you'll get it the next time. Just try to stay calm, and not worry too much, okay? *hugs*


rensong July 30 2003, 16:55:28 UTC
Ooo, you're mean guy sounds way nastier then our mean guy.

And we drive to the DMV and then one of the two testers we have gets in the car with us and we drive around the back-roads of Marshfield for about 10-20 minutes. Very very nit-pickey.

ANd yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll pass it next time... I just hope I get the guy that actually *passes* people even if he doesn't know em personally (the guy I had the first time, Paul, from what I've heard never passes anyone unless he already knows them). I've never liked driving, and I guess it's just showing through with my testing.

But, thankies for your confidence and hugs. :)
{{{hugs back}}}
~ maren


veriaie August 5 2003, 09:30:12 UTC
Awn. ::huggles tightly and sends positive vibes:: Love you.


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