(no subject)

Dec 03, 2009 15:51

So, today after Remote Sensing (8-10) lab I did a bit of charcoal counting, then I wandered off to the UC in search of some lunch at a little after 11. Or at least I would have, had I not tripped down the stairs and end up twisting my ankle rather badly. Then of course I had to gimp halfway across campus to the Student Health Services, only to be told that they were booked solid until 1 pm, so then I gimped all the way *back* to the science building because I figured if I was on campus I might as well go to my last class - it's not like it would've been convenient to hobble over to the bus stop, get on, hobble the 1 block to my house after I got off the bus, only to turn around and do the whole thing again in reverse less than a half an hour later (yeah, I was pretty slow - took me about 15 minutes to walk 1 block).

So I went to Chem discussion, tried to keep my ankle elevated, and then swallowed my pride and made a general request to the anyone in the class who may have a car handy if they were willing to drive me the block and a half back to Student Health building cause the idea of walking that far was not at all appealing. One of the guys who sits next to and behind me was kind enough to offer his vehicle to the cause, for which I was profoundly grateful - though my ankle was kind of okay before I sat down (as in, I could hobble on it, albeit very very slowly), it started to stiffen up and get rather achy pretty quickly, and by the time Chem got out, there was lots of ouchy. Also, you know, cute guy offers his services, who am I to turn him down? I think his name was Jason. Or Justin? I'm pretty sure it started with a J in any case.

Anyway, I made it back to the SHC and they checked out my ankle and gave me an ankle brace/stabilizer, pain medication, and yes, a set of crutches - which, by the way, are as annoying as hell. Hopefully I'll only have to use them a few days, but I'm also glad I have them because I walk or take the bus to school every day, and I don't think the 1 block walk from the nearest bus stop to my house would've been at all fun otherwise.

So, yea, I am now on crutches for a few days, and I'll probably be wearing an ankle brace/stabilizer for a week or two after I turn in the crutches. On the bright side, I only have one class tomorrow, and no plans for the weekend, so at least I don't have to hobble around school too much.

In other news, IT'S SNOWING! Finally! Yay! No idea if it will last, but it was still nice to sit in while I was waiting for Jason/Justin/J-something to pick me up (his car was parked about a half a mile away, so I ended up waiting a bit for him to fetch it before we made our way to the SHC), and kind of nice to hobble through on my way to the bus stop after I got my pills and crutches. Thankfully, it's the first snow we've really gotten so far this year, so the sidewalks were merely damp, not slippery or icy - yet.

i be stupid, ow, snow, annoying, yay

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