Title: Beautiful, Unusual (The Prettiest Thing) - Part 4/6
Disclaimer: Not my boys, although I kind of love them like they were.
Pairings/Characters: James/Logan
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~3,100 this part (in total over 25,000)
Warnings (overall): language, crossdressing, slight angst
Summary: Logan likes doctors and scientists and smart people
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Comments 4
After everything had been magical, this just hurts. Especially since it seems that Logan really does like "inside-James", even if he thinks it's a completely other person.
I completely agree with Camille. James should have gone about all of this a different way, but he didn't. Unfortunately, Camille didn't push for motivation specifics on this plan so she's going to have to suffer whatever fallout occurs.
Despite all the shouting going on between James and Camille, Logan's reaction to her exit leads me to believe that he didn't hear a word of it. And that he now thinks that James was playing him for a fool. What could go wrong, indeed.
Can we have part 5 now? Please?
Thanks again ♥
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