Title: Beautiful, Unusual (The Prettiest Thing) - Part 3/6
Disclaimer: Not my boys, although I kind of love them like they were.
Pairings/Characters: James/Logan
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~5,300 this part (in total over 25,000)
Warnings (overall): language, crossdressing, slight angst
Summary: Logan likes doctors and scientists and smart people
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Comments 2
Was Camille spying on them? It seems awfully coincidental that her text came through just as James and Logan were getting close enough to potentially kiss. I like that Logan's first thought at the sound of the interruption, was about James!
So far, James still has Logan's hat, which means Logan's going to have to come and reclaim it, at some point. I want to know now what happens! I also sincerely hope for a happy ending and it seems to be going that way.
Please post the next part soon.
Haha was that too coincidental? I just figured it's BTR, coincidences are part of the way things work, I guess?
Again thank you for the comment!! ♥
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