The Things You Never Knew About People

Jun 20, 2006 18:58

And now, of course, we get to the real fic I wanted to post; the drabble I put up just before this was kind of a lead-in of sorts (or rather, lead-in in the sense that that was the first FF7 fic I wrote and my new pet project came from a conversation about it.)

Anyway. This is a WIP (everyone loves those I know, yeah), but rest assured, it will be finished because if it's not, my friends will eat my head. And I like my head uneaten, so. When it's finished, it'll be ten chapters with two epilogues (you'll see why there are two when you see the formatting of the fic).

This is pre-game and very heavily Reno-centric--in fact, the even chapters are Reno POV Reno-backstory, whereas the odd chapters are pre-game Rude POV...but Reno-centric. Hopefully, this works. Most of the "chapters," BTW, are very short, but as the stories progress, the chapters keep expanding like some hideous Akira Tetsuo-blob. *headdesk*

Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and again, concrit is my friend! Tell me how to improve! :D

Title: The Things You Never Knew About People
Author: joudama
Rating: PG/R for language, depending on the chapter.
Summary: You'd be amazed, the things you never knew about people.

Chapter 1: Flawless
Chapter 2: Rotten Egg
Chapter 3: Half
Chapter 4: Things That Go Boom
Chapter 5: Orders
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