Title: "One and Only"
renisanz Medium: Pencil
Fandom: Primeval
Rating: G
Warning/Spoilers: None in the art. Some Series 4 spoilers in my commentary following.
Disclaimer: The pencil lines are my own.
Notes: I just really wanted to draw these two. Title taken from the song "One and Only" by Adele.
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Comments 12
I always loved your Sheldon/Penny art so, so much, and now here it is illustrating my new fave couple! I love your style, the clean lines... and how well you capture the features- especially Becker.
I agree with you about Matt and Emily. I wasn't so sure about them at first either, mostly because of the mystery surrounding them both... you never really knew whether Matt was a good guy or not until the later episodes, and of course the way you found that out was through his relationship with Emily - I thought that was a good way of revealing Matt to the audience. And that final scene was completely heartbreaking! I'm sure she'll be back.
But yay, Becker and Jess! You're completely right about them - their non-angstiness is so refreshing. They're just too cute for words!
It's crazy how we keep bumping into each other as we ship the same pairings in various fandoms. :) First it was John/Teyla, then Sheldon/Penny, and now Becker/Jess. I was on ff.net browsing the Primeval fic, and there you were, posting Becker/Jess. I was beyond delighted. :)
This is gorgeous!
I think you just destroyed all my higher brain function...
Love your Matt/Emily icon. :)
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