Title: A Moment in Space
renisanz Medium: pencil
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: The pencil lines are my own.
Notes: For the
Crossover Challenge at
sheldon_penny . I chose to do BBT/Firefly and uhm...this was better in my head, but I think the overall feeling intimacy I was going for came across. :) I also realize that this would be much more striking colored, so I'll try to get on that.
I guess I'll talk a bit about the clothing choice for Sheldon. Ideally, he would have been wearing a white button down and open waistcoat, probably brown in color, but ...he's not. LOL I don't know what was going on last night, but clothing folds were not my friend. I decided to finish up this drawing in the morning after seriously considering completely starting over (again). I'm glad I pushed through, though.
Feedback is lovely. :)