Title:Of Early Wake-ups and Missing Boyfriends
renichifreak Pairings:eunhae w/ kangteuk appearance, sihanchul, if you squint and turn your head sideways
Rating:PG13, maybe R, just in case
warning:violence(Heechul-XD), fluff
Disclaimer:I don't own them, by my friend and I are creating a list to hold all our plans...hehe...there are a lot of them...
This is
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Comments 71
yeah...Hae was good for this fic...he usually isn't very cooperative with me...
its the other way round for me when writing fics :( its usally hyuk that i can't write.
Eunhyuk is easy, too...but that could be because I'm in love with him...haha
Wah, I loved it Eun! XDDDD
Silly Hae, not even thinking to call! ^^
And LOLOL at Heechul's dramatic scene. You know I love his drama.
AND you even threw in Kangteuk which just made me so happy! Eunhae + Kangteuk + Heenim tantrum = win! :D
And then the end..... >.> I know where that is going! XDDD I'll let my mind wander for a bit.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yes. They be doin' some rear ending tonight! <.<
Thank youuuuuu! ILY! :D! *hugs*
...bad idea...never hit your head after nearly giving yourself a concussion the night before...it hurts...hahaha(I didn't do it..don't worry...haha)
I thought you might have noticed that in the VERY beginning, Hae was naked...haha
I LOVED writing that!! I loved Hannie just sitting there like there was nothing odd going on, but still took cover.
And the recurring question...hehe
the Kangteuk, I had to do...it was too perfect for Donghae to walk in on Kangin and Leeteuk...
You're welcome!!!ILU2, HAE!!!::hugs:: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Yes...no hitting your head again. You hit it pretty hard last night. Omg. XD
OMG I DID NOTICE ACTUALLY! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO COMMENT ON IT! Yeah, that was nice. A nice nice vision...naked!hae >.> *convulses*
Hahah, the reoccurring question was amusing. Poor Hae got all frustrated. XDDDD so cute.
XDDD AHAHA Eunhae porn dreams tonight! :D
AHBJHAN THANK YOUUUUUU!♥ I still can't believe it's my birthday today. XD
I put that in STRICTLY for your amusement...hehe
Yeah...pretty much...hehe::daydreams::
Me neither...You''re making me feel even older, dammit...stop it...
Love Heechul drama queen throwing books!
That was my favorite scene to write...hehe
But that was so sweet and, awwww... The whole thing about giving meaningful presents to each other really makes my heart fluff. (:
I was going for sweet, and the idea popped into my head the night before Hae's birthday...haha
ps-thanx for the dead sexy gifs!!! They were enough to make my friggin' blood boil...hahahaha
I love love love this!
Haha, but omg the shihanchul hahahaha
<3 u haha
omg it's so sweet and i love eunhyuks wonderful trip through the sandbox and mud haha
That was my fave scene to write, though I loved half of the lines throughout the story...hehe
<3 U 2!!hehehehe
I loved that bit...Hey, maybe I should get drunk more often, if this is what comes out the next day...(I wrote the whole eunhae at the end of the fic this morning/afternoon)
btw...sorry about yesterday...I didn't get home til 2:30, and I was drunk...I've been drunk once, and it was like, 6 years ago...haha...I'll be on tomorrow. I just got on to check email.
but aw
u SHOULD gte drunk more often lol
but omg that shihanchul was...god...haha I love u thoroughly for it!
it's cool, i spent the whole night up with my friend...tonight aswell lol
I'm going to get my hair dyed...woohooo! haha
<3 anyway, say happy b day to steph for me!!!!
see ya morrow!
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