Down Time

Jul 19, 2011 19:11

Title:Down Time
Disclaimer:I don't own, sadly enough
Summary:DooJoon wants sleep, but a couple members get in the way...

This is my first ever time writing Beast, so I hope this is okay~HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LENA BB~!!!!!! THERE'LL BE A FEW MORE EVENTUALLY~!

It was a rare night where all six members of Beast had no plans, no energy, and no schedule at the crack of dawn the next morning to force them awake far before they wished. DooJoon had practically barricaded himself in their shared room, hunkered down under nearly a ton of blankets and sheets that clearly screamed 'do not disturb'.

As leader, DooJoon, normally hard at work babysitting-leading-the other five, felt that midnight was a perfectly acceptable time to hide out and try to get some well deserved rest, and apparently, YoSeob and DongWoon had agreed immediately. The two had fallen asleep within seconds of laying down. JunHyung had decided to spend their rare downtime on the phone, calling any and everyone that he had felt he'd neglected recently and DooJoon had to thank God that he didn't have to worry about the phone bill. JunHyung had a lot of friends after all.

He had nearly fallen asleep himself when the muffled whispers and choked laughter of KiKwang and HyunSeung came to his attention. Burrowing deeper into his makeshift fort, he was unable to avoid the sounds that only seemed to be getting louder, especially when HyunSeung's loud laugh rang throughout the dorm followed by the lecture JunHyung gave him for interrupting his call. DooJoon let out a sigh before digging himself out of the covers and getting to his feet.

Padding over to the door and walking into the den, DooJoon saw JunHyung huddled on the couch. He was curled up with a blanket and talking a mile a minute as he tried to ignore the pair sitting out on the balcony, a bottle of soju and two glasses between them. Bemused and not at all surprised, he walked past the couch, making sure to reach out and ruffle the rapper's hair which drew out a surprised squawk as he had no idea the leader was there before reaching the balcony.

"Feel free to keep it down, you two," DooJoon said once he had stepped out and closed the glass door. "Some of us actually enjoy sleeping."

"Some of us being you, right, Hyung?" KiKwang teased, grinning widely.

"DooJoonie!" HyunSeung shouted as he reached up and grabbed hold of the elder's shirt, yanking hard. "KiKwang's using cheesy ass pickup lines on me again," he declared, alcohol having made short work of his indoor voice.

DooJoon yelped as he was pulled down, finding himself splayed out across both dancers' laps. Blinking wide eyed at the two, he just sighed and relaxed, head in HyunSeung's lap and legs draped over KiKwang's.

"Wuddaya mean again?" KiKwang protested. "And my pickup lines are not cheesy."

"Yes they are Kwangie," DooJoon remarked before looking up at HyunSeung. "What was it this time?"

HyunSeung grinned and began to run long fingers through the man's hair. "He compared my eyes to the stars," he told him. "Oh, and my smile to...something that I can't remember right now," he added sheepishly.

There was a pause before DooJoon snorted, trying not to laugh as he reached up and lightly stroked the redhead's cheek. "Yes KiKwang. That was pretty damn cheesy," he said with a smile to the other singer.

"Not," he pouted, crossing his arms and nudging the eldest's legs with his own.

"It's okay, KiKwangie yah," HyunSeung said with a smile as he leaned over for a kiss.

"Yeah. We love you, cheesy pickup lines and all," DooJoon added, sitting up enough to give one of his own.

"You'd better," he muttered, unable to stay mad at the two. "Now drink, DooJoonie. You have some catching up to do."

fandom: beast, pair: kiseungjoon, fic length: oneshot, birthday, fanfiction

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