Title:Pictures of Us
Disclaimer:I don't own SS501 as much as I'd like to
Summary:Jungmin is reminiscing
Written for
mskatnessbecause I promised her minsaeng and I had this idea after seeing a picture posted on
minsaeng_aday. The pic is actually linked in the fic.
It was wrong.
Jungmin sat in his chair even after Youngstreet came to an end for the night, just thinking as he slowly spun back and forth. YoungSaeng always teased him by saying that he was so strange due to the fact that he probably lost some brain cells from the constant spinning he did.
That thought alone made him stop.
He turned to look at the empty chair beside him that had held KyuJong earlier. That was what had seemed so wrong. He was still getting used to KyuJong sitting in the chair rather than YoungSaeng. Not that there was anything at all wrong with KyuJong. Quite the opposite, in fact. He would be hard pressed to find another who was so easy to work with and quick to pick up everything. He was a perfect co-host.
Just not the perfect co-host.
There was never a dull or awkward moment when he would be shut in the small room with the lead vocalist. Everything seemed so natural, from doing their jobs to goofing off. Jungmin also couldn't deny watching YoungSaeng pose for the camera, wishing desperately that he were said device just so YoungSaeng would look at him with those dark and seductive eyes. It was also just so easy to find himself with his arms around the other's slim waist before he was even aware of his actions.
And not once did YoungSaeng ever reject his actions.
Turning back to the computer, Jungmin opened the folder that he kept on there. Noticing no one around, he opened the folder and clicked on a specific
picture, smiling softly. YoungSaeng had been checking his email quickly while they waited to begin and Jungmin was just unable to resist. Walking over, he slipped his arms around the elder's waist and rested his body against him, eyes closing in relaxation when YoungSaeng showed no reaction other than to shift slightly, allowing for a more comfortable position for Jungmin.
He continued to scroll through the pictures of the two of them when a quiet chuckle startled him. Looking over, he relaxed at seeing KyuJong in the chair beside him, tilted back and feet propped up on the table.
"Has anyone ever told you that you're a hopeless romantic, Jungminnie yah?" he asked, laughing at the blush that lit his cheeks. Looking at the clock in the corner of the room, he mused, "Hm. Visiting hours haven't ended yet, I don't think. I'm sure he wouldn't mind the company."
Jungmin didn't even have to think about it.
By the time he arrived at the hospital, Visiting hours were nearing their end. Walking inside, he waved to the kind receptionist that was usually nice enough to extend the time due to their hectic and unpredictable schedules, even while on hiatus. Entering the private room at the end of the hall, he had to smile at the sight of YoungSaeng on the bed, staring longingly out the window with the last bits of sunset hitting him at angles that Jungmin was sure only he would notice.
"Knock knock," he said, tapping a fist against the door twice, drawing his attention. He chuckled as YoungSaeng lit up at seeing that he had a visitor, though a small part of him hoped that only his visit brought out such a reaction. Jungmin stepped in at YoungSaeng's frantic wave. The elder was still hospitalized and without a voice after his surgery, though he was able to speak at a very slight whisper. He didn't though, after HyunJoong had threatened him with no visits for a week if he hurt himself.
The pout that followed had him taking it back within seconds.
Taking a seat on the bed beside YoungSaeng because he hated hospital chairs with a passion-or so he told himself-, Jungmin chuckled as he noticed his hyung's laptop, as well as the picture he had set as his background.
"I was just looking at this one, Saengie," he said, smiling at YoungSaeng's owlish expression. He never thought anything could be so cute. "I miss clinging to and cuddling with you," he explained casually, though his heart couldn't state the same as it was currently in his throat.
Feeling a light tug on his shirt, Jungmin turned toward YoungSaeng, only to find out that the elder's lips really were as soft as they seemed.