[FIC] Advent Calendar Day 13

Dec 13, 2011 20:01

Title: Stay Strong (412 words)
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers Prime
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Optimus Prime, Megatron
Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Speedwriting Challenge
Author's Notes:
- Written for tf_speedwriting advent calendar challenge ( Read more... )

'writing: fanfiction, type: challenge response, 'fandom: transformers, type: drabbles, rating: teen, 2012, status: complete, challenge, character: optimus prime, community: tf_speedwriting, relationship: gen, world: g1

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Comments 6

ayngelcat December 14 2011, 01:32:56 UTC
Yes I do like! Its a good little exposition of just how much was, in fact, put on Prime's shoulders. Well done!


renegadewriter8 December 14 2011, 14:35:01 UTC
Yeyyy I'm glad you liked it! Poor Prime, he has so many responsibilities T.T


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renegadewriter8 December 14 2011, 14:34:19 UTC
Thanks! ^.^


neverminetohold December 14 2011, 09:35:44 UTC
I really love this! You captured perfectly the insecurity and doubts Orion must surely have felt. Going from a dock worker or data clerk, depending on continuity, to being Prime - who (aside from Megatron ^-^) would get over that without such thoughts?

If this is what your brain can come up with after doing a flat-liner, you have never anything to fear ^-^ Great speed-writing - I'm already as nervous as hell because my own 'day of recogning' draws near LOL I hope I'll manage half as good as you, 'cause I've never tried that before ^-^


renegadewriter8 December 14 2011, 14:34:00 UTC
Heeeeeeeeey wow I think I haven't replied to one of your posts in a long time! U did send me an email too! XD LOL I'm so sorry! RL has been a /&$//( ! XD

I feel so bad for Opt, in a lot of continuities he seems find, maybe ONE moment of doubt but in Prime he always has this sad face that just wants to make me cuddle him!

XD I had actually started writing something totally different but them it died and I had little time left and was going WTF!?!?! Darn it write woman WRIIIIITE! xd

oH God speedwriting killed me XD

Thanks for the review! Glad you liked this! ^.^


neverminetohold December 17 2011, 13:46:31 UTC
No need to worry, RL keeps me busy too, so no problem there! And the PM was only about the XMFC rec's I had promised (or threatened?!) you.

True, in TFP Optimus was shown to actually feel the burden of leadership, while in the other stuff I know, he seemed to take everything in stride. And that just doesn't seem realistic to me, especially since Optimus cares for his fellow Autobots... Of course he has to stay strong for them, but...


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