Top 10 Tenth Doctor Moments with Picspam

Jan 09, 2010 20:17

This was stolen from sunnytyler001 and a few others, but originally I suppose it was Russell T. Davies idea. Someday soon I plan on doing a 10 favorite episode meme. But for now, in memory of Ten, I offer my 10 best Tenth Doctor moments from the last four years. Each will be accompanied by a small picspam. Please be aware that spoilers for the fourth series and the last few specials will be present.

Firstly, before we get started, as an homage to David's "golden wrap" on Doctor Who, I present this video taken from the last DW Confidential and posted on YouTube by dgw934drwho.

image Click to view

And now here's my Top 10 Tenth Doctor Moments:

10. Sarah Jane Smith runs into the Tenth Doctor decades after being left behind by Four. It still sends chills down my spine when she first sees the TARDIS then turns around to see Ten standing behind her. The reconnection that those two have throughout the episode and his continued involvement in her life make this one of the best reunions in the Whoniverse. And then there was K9…who is awesome.

9. Donna Noble finds the Doctor again, also known as the miming scene. The humor in this is so priceless. Two great actors doing what they love, acting wonderfully. Rarely do we get such a great comic pairing in Who. Tate and Tennant are truly the best.

8. Ten meets Five in Time Crash. A momentous occasion in the RTD years and in the Tenth Doctor’s timeline. He gets to meet himself. I love his speech at the end when he tells Five, “You were my Doctor.”

7. Trapped aboard a crashing space ship unfortunately named the Titanic the Doctor delivers one of the most impressive speeches ever, helped out a lot by a sexy tux and flames behind him.

6. Bad Wolf Bay take 2. If it wasn’t bad enough leaving Rose on the beach the first time, the Doctor decides to do it all over again. This time he tortures himself even more by leaving an identical half-human replica of himself behind to kiss Rose passionately and declare his love. Poor Doctor.

5. The introduction of the Doctor’s daughter elicits some interesting emotions in the Time Lord. When Donna confronts him with the evidence that she has two hearts and Jenny challenges him on how alike they really are the Tenth Doctor has a moment of self-revelation. The acting here from Tennant is some of the best that I’ve seen. I’ve loved this moment since the first time I saw it, and since I don’t really like the episode in general, that’s saying something.

4. The Doctor and the Master meet again in The End of Time. Yes, I know this just happened, but I’m a sucker for these two. And when the Master rushed forward to catch the Doctor then had second thoughts and let him drop on his face in the dirt, then follows that with an impassioned plea for the Doctor to listen, the brilliance from these two mighty Time Lords is exponential.

3. The Doctor turns himself into a human and falls for a human woman. It takes a young boy delivering an awesomely poetic speech and some deep soul searching to get him to stay true to his Time Lord roots. One of the most beautifully written pieces of new Who ever.

2. After facing the Daleks and Cybermen together for the first time he loses Rose in one of the most emotional, heart wrenching scenes of Doctor Who. And if that wasn’t enough he had to go to Bad Wolf Bay to say goodbye. Thoroughly unforgettable.

1. Two legendary Time Lords face off in the third season finale episodes. I’m lumping a few moments together here to give me more space, but the most intense moment involving these two was the initial revelation of what “You are not alone” actually meant. The Doctor’s face, and the desperate run to intercept the Master, followed by the Master’s regeneration…all of it done brilliantly and designed to send the audience into screaming fits. And then there’s the phone call…an awesome thing full of intense conversation with some flirtatious playfulness thrown in. It just doesn’t get any better than these two together.

Honourable Mention: All of Ten’s companions together in the TARDIS at one time. Who knew that the TARDIS was supposed to be flown by six people? It makes perfect sense. And it was a beautiful moment. One of the highlights of Ten’s time in the TARDIS and definitely one of the highlights of Journey’s End.

meme, doctor who, david tennant, vid recs, picspam

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