...that in movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" (2009) there is same tandem of Hugh Jackman (headline) and Liev Schreiber (secondary role) as in "Kate and Leopold" (2001)?
the first Sabretooth was a pro-wrestler, and as such a pretty horrible actor. I think they needed more from Sabretooth this time, hence the new actor with more acting skills. :p
plus, they've toned down the characters a ton, so Sabretooth isn't all comic-y and over the top.
Comments 7
because Liev makes him 10x times sexier and enjoyable? XD
eee I need to re-watch "Kate & LEopold", it's been a long time XD
The new Sabretooth looks smaller than Wolverine. I hardly remember the first film but that guy was bigger if I'm not wrong.
plus, they've toned down the characters a ton, so Sabretooth isn't all comic-y and over the top.
Also ... I TOTALLY forgot that they were both in that movie! XD Makes me want to watch it again right now. *goes to look for it*
I think that Liev will make a much better Sabretooth than in X1. And he's so much more yummyfull looking. ;D
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