I've got 15 instances of LAME running. I've got 8 BitTorrents running. I'm playing MP3s, browsing the web, writing mail, editing and compiling code. There is no loss of responsiveness in the GUI, despite a load of more than 18. Apple should take note! Whenever there's heavy network or disk activity, Mac OS X 10.2's Aqua interface slows the fuck
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Comments 4
a) Never, never is a lovely song; and
b) My life and purchase of hard disks is dominated by BitTorent in a way I never envisaged possible.
So I thought I'd say so :-)
PS. I can't get over how sexy you look with your hot, new transparent background! I think the girl above me should get one too. What say?
That's crazy-cool. You mean it can read the audio tracks of MPEGs on a CD and play them through the headphone socket, like normal CD/DVD players can play music CDS?
I can't get over how sexy you look with your hot, new transparent background! I think the girl above me should get one too. What say?
Er, the girl above you is a man, as am I :)
I'm still flattered, though :) Your devilbunny looks pretty hot.
Oooooops! Er, lets just be friends ok? :)
That's crazy-cool. You mean it can read the audio tracks of MPEGs on a CD and play them through the headphone socket, like normal CD/DVD players can play music CDS?
No, I mean it can play the video and audio tracks through a television.
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