Torchwood: Good company (The greenhouse remix)

Nov 17, 2008 11:49

Original Fic: Ianto's Secret, by donutsweeper
Remix: Good company (The greenhouse remix) [Ianto & Owen, 100 Words, Rated G], by lilfluffykitten

"You actually talk to them?"

"They’re lonely…"


"They’re lonely, and they’re good company. Its okay for you, at least you get out. I’m stuck in here looking at these four walls."

"Yeah, occasionally I’ll get to see the inside of another room… much like this one. Brilliant."

"You know what I mean. Anyway, it makes them happy. That one especially, he always seems so sad…"

"Yeah, yeah and the other one’s an irritating git. Anyway, best say goodbye, looks like your little friends are leaving."

The plants fell silent again as they watched Owen push Ianto through the door.

original author: donutsweeper, remix author: lilfluffykitten, fandom: torchwood, -round 5-

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