Round 3: Signs ups (open untily September 29)

Sep 22, 2007 00:56

» How do I play?

Are there any sort of deadlines?
º Signs-ups for Round 3 will be open from September 22 to 29. Assignments will be sent out from September 29 to October 2. Remixed drabbles will be due by 11:59PM PST on October 20.

How do I sign up?

Reply to this post with the following information:

º LJ (if you have one; not required to participate) or name
º Preferred e-mail address
º Fic archive URL/s
º Fandoms in which you’ve written at least five (5) fics of at least one hundred (100) words (excluding remixes you’ve written for other challenges)
º The top three fandoms you’d like to write in
º Other fandoms you’re willing to write
º Your safe story, if you have one, and the names of any other remixes you’ve written
º Whether or not you’ll be willing to pinch hit if someone defaults

Filled out with my info as an example:

LJ: trascendenza
E-mail: trascendenza [at] livejournal [dot] com
Fic archive: and
Qualifying fandoms: Superman Returns, Superman Returns/Batman Begins, Brokeback Mountain, Brimstone, Dead Like Me, Deep Space Nine, The Invisible Man, Heroes, Cold Case, Threshold, X-Men, Jake 2.0
Top three fandoms I’d like to write in: The Invisible Man, Brimstone, Threshold (only ONE of these fandoms needs to also be a qualifying fandom)
Other fandoms I’m willing to write in: Big Wolf on Campus, Bare: A Pop Opera, RENT, Good Omens, Neverwhere, Farscape, Firefly, etc., and more here: (if, like me, you don’t want to list them all, please do link me to a comprehensive list)
Safe story | Other remixes: None | Caged Bird’s Song,
Pinch hit: Yes.

You can copy and paste the following:

LJ or name:
E-mail: [at] [dot]
Fic archive:
Qualifying fandoms:
Top three fandoms I’d like to write in:
Other fandoms I’m willing to write in:
Safe story | Other remixes:
Pinch hit:

Sign up for this round are closed and comments are now screened.

- sign ups -, -round 3-, # mod talk #

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