Original Fic:
Upside-Down, by
studyofrunningRemix: A Matter of Perspective (The Disorientation Remix) [Rose/The Doctor, 150 words, rated G], by
lilfluffykitten It was all a matter of perspective. Humans were just hardwired to expect certain things to be certain ways. Which was why, despite all the marvels she’d already seen, Rose spent two days being vaguely disorientated by Fiaf III. When she ventured outside she’d be hit by that heavy seasick swirl, until her brain managed to tell her stomach that the sky and ground were exactly where they were supposed to be (regardless of what they actually looked like). Of course the revolution didn’t help. All that running and kidnapping and uprising was playing havoc with her balance.
She remembered reading somewhere that seasickness was helped by focusing on a constant point and ignoring what the sea and sky and horizon were getting up to. Upside down the planet was righted but it wasn’t until she focused on her constant, the Doctor, that she really started to feel herself again.