Round 7: Sign Ups

Sep 11, 2009 19:29

[Round 7: Signs ups for REMIXERS and REMIXEES]

Rules And Information

Sign ups for Round 7 will be open until 11:59pm GMT on September 18th. Assignments will be sent out by September 21st. Remixes will be due by 11:59pm GMT on October 15th.

This round we are doing NON-RECIPROCAL remixes. That means that you have the option of offering your fic to be remixed, and you have the option of signing up to write remixes, but you are not required to do both.

This post is a comprehensive sign up post for both REMIXERS and REMIXEES. A remixee is someone who is offering their own fic up to be remixed. A remixer is someone who is offering to write a remix of someone else's fic.

Anyone can offer to be a remixer, as long as you are willing to offer to write in at least three fandoms, and are able to turn your remix in on time. To qualify as a remixee, you must have written at least 5 fics of 100 words or more in a single fandom.

This round, remixers will have the option of writing more than one remix. You are only required to write one, but the option of writing up to five remixes will be available. Participants who sign up to write more than one remix will be given a PRIMARY assignment, i.e. one assignment that they have to write, and up to four OPTIONAL assignments. There will be no penalty if you sign up to write five remixes and only write one as long as you complete your REQUIRED PRIMARY ASSIGNMENT. This is to ensure that as many remixees as possible get matched up with qualified writers.

Please write out the full name of each fandom, instead of using abbreviations. Related fandoms should be listed separately, not together (ie. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and/or Angel rather than BtVS/Angel), and if your fandom has multiple canons, please specify which one(s) you are willing to write (ie. New Doctor Who/Classic Doctor Who).

If you write for a small fandom, or one that hasn't been part of this ficathon before, try to get other people from your fandom to sign up as remixees and/or remixers so you'll have some material to work with.

To sign up, simply copy and paste the following information into a new comment at this post:

Remixee, remixer, or both?:

Link to fic archive:
Qualifying fandoms:
Safe story (optional):

How many remixes I’d like to write:
Top three fandoms I’d like to write:
Other fandoms I’m willing to write:
Pinch hit?:

The first comment is filled out with my information as an example. Any questions or comments can be posted here.

ETA: Sign ups are now closed. Assignments will be going out soon.

- sign ups -, -round 7-, # mod talk #

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