Merlin: Melt In Your Mouth (Anachronism Remix)

Jun 12, 2009 18:13

Original Fic: Delicacy, by lilian_cho
Remix: Melt In Your Mouth (Anachronism Remix) [Merlin/Arthur, 100 Words, Rated PG] by kernezelda

Merlin held his breath while Arthur considered his offering. It was better than good; he’d barely managed not to eat every piece of prettily wrapped chocolate. The man in the market, all angled eyes and bright clothes and delicate accent, had whispered of its sweet-sharp flavor, how it made women sweet, too. They gave it to their lovers, and later received similar gifts in return.

Arthur listened to Merlin with half an ear, eyes half-lidded. He licked the corner of his mouth to remove a tiny smear of residue. Merlin’s mouth watered; it wasn’t the taste of chocolate he craved.

remix author: kernezelda, original author: lilian_cho, -round 6-, fandom: merlin

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