Battlestar Galactica: Valkyrie (The Betrayed Remix)

Jun 10, 2009 21:03

Original Fic: When next I die, by et_tu_lj
Remix: Valkerie (the Betrayed Remix) [Kara/Leoben, 100 Words, Rated PG-13, Spoilers for "Sometimes a Great Notion"] by sionnain

Valkyrie (The Betrayed Remix)

Kara watches, fingers pressed against cool glass, as his body tumbles lifeless into space. She hopes that he finds peace in the void.

All she knows is war.


On New Caprica, she lives imprisoned in his house of cold isolation.

His fading breath on her skin is her only warmth, fading into nothing as the light in his eyes dims.


When Kara sees her body in the wreckage of the plane, she turns unquestioningly to him. She’s sent him into death, and she’s watched him return.

Her turn, now.

The fear in his eyes is the worst betrayal of all.

remix author: sionnain, -round 6-, original author: et_tu_lj, fandom: battlestar galactica

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