Supernatural: Remembering Then and Now (The Always Remember to Never Forget Remix)

Jun 07, 2009 15:37

Original Fic: Always Remember to Never Forget, by 2ndary-author
Remix: Remembering Then and Now (The Always Remember to Never Forget Remix) [Sam Winchester, 100 Words, Rated G] by donutsweeper

Feeling stupid, Sam started jotting everything down: Doggie the Dog, fixed by Dean with stapler, pink stuffed bunny with sparkly bow, name unknown, Mom made awesome chocolate chip cookies. Random bits of who he'd been that he wanted to immortalize.

Later he decided it was unfair. Dean didn't have anyone who remembered his childhood. So Sam started keeping a different list. The time Dean hustled the three truckers who never saw it coming. The dinner he made using the Impala's engine block. Things that should be remembered because they showed what a great brother Dean was, and always would be.

remix author: donutsweeper, fandom: supernatural, -round 6-, original author: 2ndary_author

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