Firefly: Should Fall Apart (The End Is The Beginning Is The End Remix)

Jun 05, 2009 22:42

Original Fic: Should Fall Apart, by trialia
Remix: Should Fall Apart (The End Is The Beginning Is The End Remix) [Mal/Inara, 100 Words, Rated PG-13] by amathela

When he comes to her, she doesn't have to ask why.

It isn't at all the way she imagined it, when she had allowed herself to imagine; uncertain and a little rough, the sharp edges between them filled with speech and laughter and raw desire. Now, instead, his touch is light, his kiss undemanding, but even in the silence stretched out among the faded candlelight, it feels like a beginning.

Later, on the hilltop, the cool breeze blowing around her shoulders as they bury their dead, she will know she was wrong.

This is not the beginning, but the end.

remix author: amathela, fandom: firefly, -round 6-, original author: trialia

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