LOL. You, with your amazing exclamatory powers, and my inability to come up with anything reasonable to say to them. Other than, OMGTHANKYOUFORHELPINGMEMAKESURETHISWASGOODENOUGHTOPOST YOUARETHEBESTESTTHEREEVERWAS!!
Hee, that last line probably went over the acceptable schmoop line, AND I CAN'T EVEN MAKE MYSELF CARE. That's how much I love these two. And how you write them, oh yes :D
And it’s the only way that he can explain why, even though it was to save him-he hadn’t wanted to move. And still doesn’t want to. Not one inch-not for the rest of his life.
Clearly, Lucas, it's because you know a good idea when you hear one. (Or have one. Whatever.) ;)
Clearly, Lucas, it's because you know a good idea when you hear one. Yesssssssssssss, precisely. I see that you are well aware of my evil plan to smoosh these two together in such sweet, sweet lovin'. *beams*
Comments 7
'his whole body zinging with the knowledge that it was about to die and that it was pressed up very close against Dr. Nigel Fenway.'
And the last line is love.
Hee, that last line probably went over the acceptable schmoop line, AND I CAN'T EVEN MAKE MYSELF CARE. That's how much I love these two. And how you write them, oh yes :D
And it’s the only way that he can explain why, even though it was to save him-he hadn’t wanted to move. And still doesn’t want to. Not one inch-not for the rest of his life.
Clearly, Lucas, it's because you know a good idea when you hear one. (Or have one. Whatever.) ;)
Yesssssssssssss, precisely. I see that you are well aware of my evil plan to smoosh these two together in such sweet, sweet lovin'. *beams*
And thank you! :)
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