Brush Up Your Shakespeare (The Wild and Whirling Words Remix) [Firefly; River, Wash; g]

Jul 06, 2009 10:05

title: Brush Up Your Shakespeare (The Wild and Whirling Words Remix)
author: victoria p. [musesfool]
summary: In which Simon is scandalized, River is curious, and Wash knows more than he's letting on.
fandom: Firefly
characters: River, Wash, ensemble
rating: g
warnings/spoilers: through the movie, so canon character death is mentioned.
notes: Thanks to luzdeestrellas for ( Read more... )

remix author: musesfool, fandom: firefly, character: hoban "wash" washburne, character: river tam, original author: 2ndary_author, rating: g

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Comments 47

speccygeekgrrl July 19 2009, 18:41:31 UTC
Oh. Oh wow, this is so beautiful and sweet and the end made me tear up, and oh Wash and his amateur theatricals, how perfect! and River writing on her arms, such a familiar madness.

Lovely work. Well done.


musesfool July 28 2009, 17:18:40 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so happy it worked for you, and felt true to both Wash and River. Wah! Wash!


thank you! 2ndary_author July 19 2009, 20:08:42 UTC
Oh, I love this! It's magical and it's like a crossover of several of my stories because it picks up on all my favorite scenes. Wash and the dinosaurs! Kaylee and the broken toys!


Re: thank you! musesfool July 28 2009, 17:18:59 UTC
I'm so happy you like it! Thank you so much!


Re: thank you! 2ndary_author July 29 2009, 22:43:07 UTC
We share a couple of rare fandoms (H:LOTS, anyone?) and I've enjoyed a lot of your Supernatural and such...feel like I should have recognized you! Anyway, thanks again:)


Re: thank you! musesfool July 30 2009, 14:41:22 UTC
Thanks again. You're very welcome! I had a lot of fun writing it. I always think I'm obvious in anonyfests, but I think we all do, so I generally don't actually expect people to identify me.


watergal July 20 2009, 00:06:43 UTC
Gosh, this was wonderful! The wordsmithing, the connections between River and, well, everyone now so different than the day she unboxed, Zoe from an outside POV compared with an omniscient one, the going on despite because that is what they always do. And somehow managing to make it good again.

But especially the secret times with River and Wash that will now live in my mind as a deleted scene.


musesfool July 28 2009, 17:20:06 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, and thought the relationships felt true to all of them.

But especially the secret times with River and Wash that will now live in my mind as a deleted scene.

I admit, it's part of my personal canon that Wash taught River to fly in secret.


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musesfool July 28 2009, 17:20:31 UTC
Wow. Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it.


elizardbits July 20 2009, 00:57:40 UTC
This was beautifully lyrical. I'm glad I found it.


musesfool July 28 2009, 17:20:46 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.


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