Title: They Did What? (The Dark Mark Remix)
melle_malSummary: The Dark Mark should have been solution to all of his problems, should have been his reward and his acceptance and his glory. But now it was nothing more than a testament to his shame and his failure and his loss.
Rating: PG
Fandom: Harry Potter
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Comments 8
I do sympathise though -- my own remix had to be in a fandom I'd only ever written one story in, because that was the only shared fandom I had, and it was a real struggle to find a suitable angle of approach. (And then I had to rethink it late on when new canon totally changed the tone of the show!)
Do you know what passage really stood out for me?
Life was all about death for the Dark Lord. Ending it, prolonging it, cheating it. He called them Death Eaters because they devoured death, dissected it, breathed it, lived it. But for Draco the name had simply been a name. Until he had become it. He had feared death for too long, as children often do. The death of a destiny he didn't have, the death of his father's love, his own death at the hands of Voldemort. But it was nothing compared to this, the reality of it, the ugliness and finality of it. They had toyed with it, twisted it and molded it into something it should never have been.I'd always hated ( ... )
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