Title: Check With the Sun (Sticking to the Lowest Rung Remix)
Author: Dee Laundry (
Summary: Stand in the place where you are.
Rating: PG
Fandom: House, MD
Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers through episode 5-24, "Both Sides Now." Warning for mentioned character deaths.
Notes: The title comes from the song “Stand” by R.E.M. References to several
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Comments 17
Wilson's urgency and necessity to hang onto his past is something fascinating, and the image of him sort of hermit crabbing his way through life is a bittersweet one, especially with his inability to communicate it to House - the readers only get that at the very end, in the simplest terms House would never have accepted. It's a fine balance, and you kept that going throughout.
Thank you.
I didn't do much to your original text, and I fretted a bit over that, but in the end decided that setting a diamond into a new piece of jewelry was remix-y enough.
For my remix, to extend your metaphor, I melted the base piece down and reforged something similar. The same material is re-used for the same purpose, but it's not the original.
Did you know it was me? I didn't guess your remix at all, but in retrospect, I should have.
I had another story in mind for remixing but ran out of time to do enough research to make it plausible.
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Interesting take on a possible motivation for Wilson. I didn't see him being motivated by dissatisfaction with the present, but rather that this was a different form of perusing a photo album. A more visceral reminder of the past than pure memory.
I am still shocked that Wilson actually ripped a piece out of House's guitar. The equivalent of House taking a sledgehammer to Wilson's car, and seems totally out-of-character for Wilson to have de-valued something vintage. But canon is canon.
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It's mystifying. But then again, several incidents the show have been mystifying (including House's "You date caretakers" comment to Wilson in Season Five, which is directly contradictory to everything else they've said and shown regarding Wilson's love life) so oh well.
Really, really well done. That's all I've got at the moment, but, yeah.
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