Title: Reconsidering the day (the generations of ink remix)
zooey_glass04Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: G
Pairing/Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Disclaimer: Fun, not profit
Notes: Thanks to
parenthetical for her awesome beta help, and to
pinkfinity for being so kind as to let me remix her story :D
Wordcount: c. 2,250
Original story:
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Comments 9
I was very wrapped up in the Hogwarts letters and how they were received by these various children, especially Lucius Malfoy as it's rare to read about him as a child. The personalities of Lucius, Narcissa, Draco and Hermoine really come though in those segments. These lines are especially haunting:
When she makes the walk from the dais to the Slytherin table - conscious of Bella's bright, exultant gaze - it's even more exhilarating than she'd dreamed.
It's not until much later that Narcissa realises she was actually stepping into a trap.
The last passage though with the twin children of Draco and Hermoine didn't gel for me. It's not that I cannot accept them as a couple it's that I need more here to show what the "everything we've taught them" is and what alternative she will choose for their education since all of this part is AU.
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