Title: Where Boys Fear To Tread (Waiting on a Friend Remix)
entrenous88Summary: When Sirius fears changing their relationship, Remus tells him he'll wait for him. But after leaving Hogwarts, Remus finds working in Diagon Alley and exploring newfound freedoms make for a more complicated summer than he expected.
Fandom: Harry Potter
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Comments 19
Seriously though, THANK YOU. This was absolutely lovely.
I went back and reread the original fic again- I haven't read it in over a year. It's funny, because after getting past the Sirius-Peter-kelpie adventure, I really noticed that I had sort of given Remus reactions that were implying a lot of other things were happening in his head, but because I'd stuck so strictly to Sirius's POV I'd never even really thought about them.
I really like how you wrote James (particularly incorporating the HBP "furry little problem" aspects and all the attitude that comes with it), but I LOVE that you kept Peter the way I like him- a true Marauder. Thank you. I really liked Florian and Freddie as well- they were genuinely nice people without being sugary-sweet.
But what I want to thank you for the most is this little section:
He held Sirius tighter, making soothing nonsense sounds. He had told Sirius he would wait for him, and he was prepared to do just that -- but it could be that possibility would be taken away ( ... )
Well done.
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