Title: Sacrament (Viaticum remix)
joe_pike_junior Summary: Chase and his decision to leave the seminary.
Rating: PG
Fandom: House
Warnings: One swear word.
Original title, author:
Viaticum by
yevgenieAt Xavier College he joins Ignatius house. He wears a little red pin on his blazer. He does as other boys do and rakishly stuffs his tie into his back pocket
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Comments 4
Yes, that, that -- EXACTLY.
[sits and wrings hands quietly in gratitude]
This remix is so -- I feel like saying THANK YOU for what you've done with it, it's the House story I'm proudest of and you've taken it and chopped it up so the *bones* show (in patterns, arranged always in these patterns) and it's all so very *Chase*, the lies he'll tell to cover over the problems, the way he keeps trying to please a series of fathers, the way pleasure comes mixed with pain, always. His parents failed him, and his faith failed him, but he keeps coming back to the old patterns despite himself.
I don't normally read Chase fic, but this (and the original) feels very true to Chase on the show; I can absolutely imagine this as his adolescence.
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