Shed Your Skin (The Sledgehammer Remix) [SGA; John/Rodney]

Mar 27, 2008 15:40

Title: Shed Your Skin (The Sledgehammer Remix)

Author: kassrachel

Summary: John had to know that pushing Rodney away was only going to make him find a way to break in. There's nothing like a barrier to make him want to push through.

Rating: NC-17

Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis

Warnings: xenophilia

Spoilers: For "Duet" and "Conversion," both episodes from ( Read more... )

character: teyla emmagan, character: rodney mckay, pairing: rodney mckay/john sheppard, character: ronon dex, character: carson beckett, rating: nc-17, remix author: kassrachel, original author: seperis, character: john sheppard, fandom: stargate atlantis

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Comments 65

wildestranger April 19 2008, 22:51:52 UTC
Most delightful. I really enjoyed your Rodney (and particularly his imaginings of what John might do for payback). :)


kassrachel April 27 2008, 16:10:24 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

(And mmm...payback... :-)


darsynia April 20 2008, 00:30:19 UTC
I really liked this--picking up on the lengths he had to go to get into that room as well as how the team felt as they learned they were being excluded was just brilliant! I particularly liked how Rodney doesn't know everyone, and so he has to guess and intimidate, and how subtly you show that John > stuff that isn't John in Rodney's world. I reread the original before and after reading this, because you picked up on stuff I had completely missed ('I worked on [the salve] with Carson')!

Plus the snapshot of the original story made it all the more real... and seeing that the team stopped being excluded and got to see John after Rodney's visit was the perfect ending. Excellent!


kassrachel April 27 2008, 16:11:47 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm delighted that it worked for you; thank you for the rec on your lj, too!

And yay, if it made you reread the original again that's even better. I adore the original wildly, as you might have gathered. *g*

I'm glad you liked the part where Rodney's trying to figure out how to manipulate everyone into making his plan work.


Here from darsynia's rec :D vida_boheme April 20 2008, 00:49:16 UTC
This is lovely and i especially enjoyed the build up to Rodney arriving with the salve. Most of all, I loved the line:
"Of all the things he wants and isn't supposed to have, John is top on the list."


Re: Here from darsynia's rec :D kassrachel April 27 2008, 16:12:10 UTC
Thank you so much! I like that line a lot, too. :-)


seperis April 20 2008, 00:50:38 UTC
Oooh. Oh yes, that's perfect. That's--it happened exactly like that! I loved the conversation between Carson and the team and Rodney's planning and his worry and just--you captured it perfectly. Exactly.

Thank you so much! That was an utter delight to read.


kassrachel April 26 2008, 17:52:48 UTC
You are so, so welcome. Your story was a delight to play with. It's one of my very favorites, and I had no end of fun figuring out how to work with and around it; I'm so glad you liked the result!



cupidsbow April 20 2008, 01:02:35 UTC
Oh, I really like the backstory you came with here, and the way you've used it to top and tail the original. Rodney is such a weird mix of sweet and stalker in this 'verse, and with the lengths he goes to in order to get into the infirmary and get his way, you've captured that perfectly.


kassrachel April 27 2008, 16:12:55 UTC
Thank you kindly! He really is a weird mix of sweet and stalker in this story, isn't he? That was the sense I got from the original story, so I wanted to preserve it; it was really fun to figure out how to make that work from Rodney's POV.


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