Title: Cracked Pavement (The Road To Hell Remix)
hihoplasticSummary: 'You were wrong,' she says harshly. His head falls; she sighs. 'We were both wrong.'
Rating: PG.13
Fandom: House, MD
Pairing/Characters: Cuddy, Wilson, House
Title, Author, URL of Original Story: Bironic |
Good Intentions (
Cracked Pavement (The Road To Hell Remix) )
Comments 12
"They're too close yet too far and nothing they say or do (or don't say or don't do) seems to be working", or the juxtaposition of the "It would have been better if we'd done nothing" in the beginning and the "Let's wait and see... Yeah" at the end (in relation to Cuddy's & Wilson's respective actions) illustrate perfectly how they never seem to be able to make the right decisions when it comes to helping each other. No matter how well they might know and understand each other, it's not gonna solve anything. That last line is excellent in this context. Wonderful piece.
Thank you so much for reading! I'm really glad you enjoyed it :)
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