Title: Savile Row (The Glass Menagerie Remix)
eponymous_roseSummary: He makes suits to order, bespoke.
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones
Rating: G
Disclaimer: All belongs to the BBC.
Original Story:
Savile Row by
iamsab (
Savile Row (The Glass Menagerie Remix) )
Comments 9
Somewhere, sometime, the song ends."
Ah! AH!!
This is a brilliant companion/remix, and I love that he's so mysterious and familiar all at once. The little hints at familiarity, like we should know him...
And then those lines! Meep. My curiosity is driving me mad, now.
And thank you, thank you so much. Did you get to read the other remix of this fic that came through remixthedrabble?
Who wins the internets? ME, that's who!
Thank you, so much, this is beautiful.
That's amazing and I'm eaten up with curiosity as to who the tailor is that Martha broke and put back together...
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