Title: The Only Thing We Have To Fear (The All In The Family Overdub)
hossgalSummary: Death is fond of those places she frequents.
Fandom: Sandman/Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Death
Rating: R
Disclaimer: This Death and her family belong to Neil Gaiman, Supernatural characters property of Eric Kripke, et al.
Original story:
That what you
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Comments 17
And you managed to do what I couldn't, which is get Death in a clinch with Dean, which I think is AWESOME. Dean/Death is totally a viable pairing. Pun completely intended. *g*
Thank you so much!
Now I kind of want to write the story where Sam and Dean meet Destruction, and Barnabas and Matthew are there, and Barnabas is like, "You know, I definitely see the resemblance." *g*
I think most of the structure is more or less accidental - I didn't think much about that part as I was writing it. So it's good to know that came across well, also.
Thanks for commenting!
- hg
Thanks for commenting.
- hg
Thank you for reading and commenting!
- hg
I very much enjoyed the look at Death's conflicts which are outside of Dean's. I re-read the original before reading this, and there's so much Dean can't know, about what Death is doing and why. I really empathized with Death here, with her almost desperation, her wish to get revenge but not to ruin the fabric of the space-time continuum, the way she reflects that she could kill Desire but it would move the world, and so she won't.
Yay, fic!
It has just struck me that interacting with people/beings who have concerns outside of those of the Winchesters is a basic theme of SPN.
I'm glad you liked the story, and thank you for commenting.
- hg
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