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hilandmum April 26 2008, 22:59:11 UTC
You're quite right that this is my first remix. I really enjoyed doing it, and will probably sign on again next year. My daughter talked me into it, and I'm glad she did.

I'm glad you liked my added scenes. As you said I wanted to expand on the prank war, and do it in a way that I think House would.

This was an added challenge for me because most of my other stories have been House/Cameron or House/OC (I've only posted the House/OC on the Fox boards).



deelaundry April 19 2008, 21:34:34 UTC
My remixer last year said she'd thought of remixing "Green," too, how funny. I agree with Zulu that using the default font would make it easier to read (I think you've got a stray link in there somewhere, too), but that's an easy fix.

You made an interesting choice with House. I had imagined him as angry at Wilson finding someone else to talk to, and he comes across in your remix as more amused at the whole thing. Interesting.

Thank you for the nice compliment on the original, by the way. Hope you had fun!


hilandmum April 26 2008, 23:02:43 UTC
Dee (may I call you that?)

I hadn't thought that the font would make such a difference, but I wanted to distinguish House's POV from Wilson's, and since I use Linux I have some problems with font changes when I post.

I really did like the original...in fact it was hard to detach myself from it enough to change it.



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