The One Where Chase Was A Puppy (Ear Rubs Are Best Remix) [House MD; House/Wilson]

Apr 12, 2008 21:45

Title: The One Where Chase Was A Puppy (…Or Ear Rubs Are The Best!)

Author: sheikah

Summary: H/W implied, told through the eyes of Chase!Puppy

Rating: G

Fandom: House MD

Warnings: Umm. Chase is actually a puppy? That's a warning…

Spoilers: n/a

Title, Author and URL of original story: The One Where Chase Was A Puppy by savemoony.

piiiick meee )

character: gregory house, remix author: sheikah, original author: savemoony, fandom: house md, character: james wilson

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Comments 7

savemoony April 19 2008, 22:01:44 UTC
Aw, this is adorable.


phinnia April 19 2008, 23:38:40 UTC
The paragraph where Puppy-Chase calls Human-Chase a puppy too was /hysterical./ <3 YAY ear rubs!


deelaundry April 20 2008, 03:36:36 UTC
How fun! I love stories from unconventional POVs, and this is a great example. What are they doing behind the locked doors, anyway? : )


poisontaster April 20 2008, 06:38:40 UTC
This is so cute!


bironic April 20 2008, 13:38:06 UTC


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