Title: A Cool, Dry Place (the snakes on the brain remix)
globalfruitbat Summary: My eyes on the yellow dust, that was lifting in the wind/And does not float away
Rating: G
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Warnings: Greek mythology is played with -- be warned!
Spoilers: Vaguely through the end of 'The Gift'
Original Story: Hell Hath No Fury by
aadler (
A Cool, Dry Place )
Comments 2
The language here is as quiet, soft, and undramatic as the setting described. The enervated fatalism of someone facing an eternity of sameness is well communicated. This is a glimpse, rather than a story, but a glimpse finely drawn and well presented.
Thank you.
I hope she and the protagonist get to meet up again, somewhere.
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